Enxoval – Tempo e Espaço de Resistência


Promoter: PELE – Associação Social e Cultural
Artistic areas: Music, Theatre, Visual Arts
Person in charge of the artistic area: Inês Lapa
Person in charge of the social area: Maria João Mota
Territorial reach: Porto, Amarante
Duration: 36 months
SDG: 5. Gender equality, 11. Sustainable cities and communities

Enxoval © Patrícia Poção
Enxoval © Patrícia Poção

Based on the concept of the hope chest (“enxoval” in Portuguese) as the social embodiment of the female condition that spans across different generations, the purpose of this project is to collectively create another ENXOVAL, built by men and women, that demonstrates a willingness to question and change gender stereotypes, that opens spaces of liberty, and that inspires a desire for change.

Enxoval © Patrícia Poção
Enxoval © Patrícia Poção
Enxoval © Patrícia Poção
Enxoval © Patrícia Poção

The ENXOVAL project encompasses Porto and Amarante, offering group training in Action, Reflection and Artistic Creation (ARCA) open to the intergenerational community and young people. Artists and participants will work together to produce performances, artistic installations and a regularly published fanzine.


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“As Bravas” – women heroes of everyday life to inspire future generations

The project ENXOVAL has released the fourth fanzine of the collection “As Bravas”, illustrated by Clara Não. Get to know the stories of this collective narrative built by women heroes of everyday life with the support of the PARTIS initiative.

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Sustainable Development Goals


This project contributes to the following SDG targets


Target 5.1

End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere

Target 5.4

Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate

Target 5.5

Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life

Target 11.4

Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage

Updated on 29 january 2021

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