The Calouste Gulbenkian Museum in the Google Cultural Institute

From the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, the Google Cultural Institute exhibition now also extends to different artistic typologies and periods ranging from Oriental and Classical Antiquity through to European Art from the early 20th century. Particular highlights include the Ancient Egyptian Art section, works from Persia, Turkey and the Far East, the French decorative arts of the 17th and 18th century, paintings and sculptures from leading European artists spanning the period from the 15th to the 20th centuries and as well as another particular section dedicated to the French jeweller René Lalique.
“Virtual visits do not replace real visits to the actual installations even while technology may open up new horizons and raise the level of knowledge through culture and among all peoples, which transforms this into something really powerful”, Amit Sood, director of the Google Cultural Institute, explained.
Around five years ago, the Google Cultural Institute began taking its first organisational steps through a partnership with 17 museums giving the world the opportunity to discover hundreds of works of art in this virtual fashion. Now, through this initiative, over 1,000 museums and cultural institutions have thrown open their online doors to share their exhibitions with millions more people around the world.