Mentoring programme for health science researchers from Portuguese-speaking African countries.
PALOP researchers aged 40 or under who have completed their doctorate in the field of Health Sciences and who wish to have individual contact with a specific tutor or a senior researcher.
This programme aims to contribute to the career development of young PALOP researchers in the field of health sciences. With an international scope, it has around 25 Senior Researchers (mentors) based in various countries, who are willing to share their experiences and encourage the professional and academic development of young researchers from the PALOP countries (mentees).
The programme focuses on the mentor-mentee relationship, which is built around the compatibility of interests, experiences and personalities. After the selection of candidates by the jury and confirmation by the pairs, the pairs draw up a work plan that suits the objectives, expectations and availability of each person.
Several online thematic sessions of common interest will also be promoted so that all the researchers involved in this programme can share their experiences and network.
Eligibility Requirements
National researchers and residents of one of the PALOP countries aged 40 or under (on 31 December 2024) who hold a doctorate in the field of Health Sciences and who wish to have individual contact with a specific tutor, a senior researcher, are eligible.
The jury will be responsible for selecting the candidates on the basis of the following criteria:
Mentors will be assigned according to the ranking of the selected candidates and the order of preference indicated on the application form. If the mentors referred to by the candidate have already been selected, the jury may suggest another mentor who seems compatible.