Let's go to the opera?

Sunday Concerts

Event Slider

  • Conductor
  • Sílvia Sequeira Soprano
  • Carlos Monteiro Tenor

Giuseppe Verdi

Overture to La forza del destino

Giacomo Puccini

La bohème: “Che gelida manina”
La bohème: “Sì, mi chiamano Mimì”
La bohème: “O soave fanciulla”

Pietro Mascagni

Cavalleria Rusticana: Intermezzo

Giacomo Puccini

Tosca: “Vissi d’arte”
Tosca: “E lucevan le stelle”

Giuseppe Verdi

Overture to Luisa Miller

Giacomo Puccini

Madama Butterfly: “Un bel di vedremo”
Madama Butterfly: “Vogliatemi bene”

The first commented programme of the Sunday Concerts has a particular focus on the work of Italian composers Giuseppe Verdi and Giacomo Puccini, whose fame was due to their prodigious operatic output. Together with an Intermezzo from Pietro Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana, the Gulbenkian Orchestra and guest soloists will perform a selection of passionate arias from La bohème, Tosca or Madama Butterfly, in an unmissable introduction to this genre which, because it unites music, poetry, theatre and dance, was dubbed “total art” by Wagner.

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