Climate Action and Public Participation

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What motivates someone to participate in climate action? What are the best strategies to empower people to act with greater confidence and promote greater civic mobilisation focused on climate action? Can civil society take the lead in processes of public participation in climate action?


The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is hosting a conference exploring the role that municipalities and civil society can play in mobilising citizens for climate action. Researchers, representatives of local projects and international experts will share examples of initiatives that are promoting the active involvement of citizens or groups of citizens in climate action plans.

The conference will be followed by a workshop, aimed at representatives of local authorities and civil society. Contributions from participants will inform the Foundation’s support for climate action over the coming years.

All sessions will be broadcast online, with the exception of the workshop.


09:15 / Arrive

09:45 / Welcome speeches

Martin Essayan – Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Trustee Paulo Ferrão – Member of the Mission Board on Climate Neutral and Smart Cities

10:00 / Opening conversation

Experts debate the need for public participation in climate action.
David Powell – Climate Outreach José Carlos Mota – Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences, University of Aveiro
Louisa Hooper – Director, Sustainability, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

10:30 / Panel discussion 1 – Can municipalities drive public participation in climate action?

Local leaders, researchers and civil society present case studies and discuss how municipalities can drive the change we need and involve the public in climate action. Speakers will explore what motivates citizens, how to meet local and national climate goals through public participation, and the role of local authorities.
Carlos A. Ribeiro – Laboratório da Paisagem, GuimarãesJoão Grilo – President of the Municipality of Alandroal (Portugal)João Pedro Gouveia – Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research, NOVA School of Science and Technology, and Transition Point project (Portugal)Pedro Macedo – Centro do Clima of Póvoa de Varzim and Municipalities in Transition initiative (Portugal)
João Pedro Frazão – Journalist— Break —

11:45 / Panel discussion 2 – How can we reach different audiences?

Examples and insight from projects that are successfully reaching and engaging diverse audiences on the topic of climate action. Panellists representing the culture sector, environment and the public sector will explore how we can develop content and narratives geared towards people’s needs and concerns, and how local authorities and civil society can build citizens’ capacity and will to act.
Maria do Carmo Martins – Centro Operacional e Tecnológico Hortofrutícola Nacional (Portugal)Marta Brazão – Comunidade LIDERA (Portugal)Pascale Taminiaux – Fair Energy Transition for All, King Baudouin Foundation (Belgium)Rui Monteiro – Rio Neiva, Associação de Defesa do Ambiente
Cristina Lai Men – Journalist— Lunch and Networking —

14:00 / The sustainability strategy of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Presentation of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s 2023-2027 Sustainability programme for Portugal and the UK.
Louisa Hooper – Director, Sustainability, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

14:20 / Breakout sessions

Facilitated consultations to explore practical tools and approaches to embed public participation in local climate action plans and in the work of environmental NGOs. Participants will identify needs, gaps and opportunities for collaboration. Participant contributions will help to inform the design of the Foundation's support for climate action over the coming years.

16:00 / Wrap-up

Plenary feedback and concluding remarks.

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