New report: That Age Old Question

A new report examining ageism and its effect on health and wellbeing has been published by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK Branch) in partnership with the Royal Society for Public Health.
That Age Old Question examines prejudicial attitudes towards older people, old age and the ageing process. The report reveals that ageist views are held across the generations, and that internalised ageist stereotypes are harmful to health.
The UK Branch of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has worked in the ageing field for a decade; firstly as the convenor and founder-funder of the Campaign to End Loneliness and now with its Transitions in Later Life programme investigating ways workplaces can help people in mid-life become more resilient and better supported to respond positively to change.
The report makes a number of recommendations, including banning the term ‘anti-ageing’, and bringing services such as nurseries, youth clubs and care homes under the same roof. It also calls for employers and government to promote age diversity in the workplace, and support employee wellbeing and resilience in preparation for later life.
Andrew Barnett, director of the UK Branch of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, says:
“We believe employers are well-placed to play a role in the later lives of their staff. A third of our time is spent at work and many businesses already offer retirement financial planning services. For the past two years we have been funding pilots of short courses focused on wellbeing for people approaching retirement. Early evaluation has shown an increase in self-confidence, feelings of resourcefulness and more positive attitudes to ageing. Employers could certainly benefit from hosting these interventions through improvements in retainment and productivity, as well as an external reputation of being a mindful employer, but also in understanding they are playing their part in supporting healthier and happier later lives in their communities.”
A launch event and panel discussion will be held in London on 28 June. Click here for more information.