Stories from an Unknown Manuscript
Curator Jessica Hallett shares the creative process behind ‘Power of the Word V. The Emperor’s Gif: Circles of Knowledge’, along with several members of this participatory project.

A manuscript filled with lines and circular diagrams was discovered in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum’s storage. Deciphering the content of this curious object became the aim of the fifth edition of ‘Power of the Word’, which included the collaboration of philologists, scientists, designers, educators and university students.
Technical Info
Jessica Hallett
Inês Bénard da Costa
Juan Acevedo
Zohora Pirbhai
Nuno Monge
Alexandre Cortinhas
Rúben Pinheiro
Filipa de Burgo
Nasrine Navazali
Pedro Figueiredo
Rita Cortez Pinto
Shaheen Vindhani
Zohra Gabrani