Grants and Scholarships
1. Scholarships
The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation university scholarship programme focuses on four principal categories, putting further emphasis on Armenian Studies internationally. The four categories are:
- Armenian Studies Scholarships.
- Higher Education Scholarships for Armenian Students in/from Developing Countries.
- Short Term Grants for Armenian Studies.
- Short Term Conference and Travel Grant to Students and Young Academics in Armenia.
In addition, the Department supports Armenian university students studying in Portugal, and provides emergency or special circumstances scholarships to students facing extraordinary situations. These applications are considered on an ad hoc basis.
In order to help applicants plan better their financial resources, and enhance transparency further, the Department established fixed grant amounts for three of its major scholarship categories (see “Requirements, Criteria and Conditions” document of the different scholarship categories for more information).
Apply2. Grants
a) Project Grants
The Armenian Communities Department supports various cultural, educational, research and philanthropic projects that can have a positive impact on the Armenian world, be it in Armenia or in the Diaspora. Project grants are open to all applicants (both individuals and organisations), regardless of nationality or country of implementation, as long as they pertain to Armenian themes and issues.
Projects submitted must, however, fall within the scope of the Department’s priority areas:
Applications must be submitted online. Before completing the online form, make sure to read the “Requirements, Criteria and Conditions” and “Application Guidelines” documents.
Important Information:
The deadlines for the three project application cycles are:
30 April, 31 August, and 13 December.
The applications will be evaluated three times a year in May, September, and January.
Please note that budgets of proposals from the Americas must be in USD and budgets from the UK must be in GBP. All other proposal budgets, including Armenia, Lebanon, and Turkey, must be submitted in EUR only.
APPLYb) արդ եւս|in view
The Western Armenian Culture Programme
արդ եւս|in view aims to inspire, facilitate, and support innovation and contemporaneity in the cultural and creative sectors in Western Armenian, in order to sustain future generations through a vibrant language and culture.
It gives opportunities to individuals and small groups to create, produce, and distribute diverse cultural productions in Western Armenian. Cultural production is understood in its widest sense to include practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills, as well as instruments, tools, and spaces in which the language is central. All interested parties above the age of 18 are welcome to apply, with the exception of for-profit entities which are not eligible. Applicants need not necessarily be established artists.
Applications openHow we work
The following document is prepared in order to serve as a guide and to give an overview of how the Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation works, covering topics such as Funding, Transparency, How projects are selected and evaluated, what the Department’s Principles for successful partnerships are, what the Department’s Expectations are from project partners and more.
Serviço das Comunidades Arménias
Avenida de Berna, 45-A
1067-001 Lisboa
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +351 217 823 658