The Tin Forest: community arts beyond boundaries

Graphic from The Tin Forest project
23 mar 2014

There was once a wide, windswept place,
near nowhere and close to forgotten…

As Glasgow prepares to welcome the world in 2014, The Tin Forest invites the people of Glasgow to retell the city’s story and to reimagine its future.

Inspired by the bestselling book of the same name by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson, and part of the Glasgow 2014 Cultural Programme, The Tin Forest is one of the National Theatre of Scotland’s most ambitious projects to date.

Between now and August, it will take root across the city and across the Commonwealth, and lead us ultimately into the iconic South Rotunda on Glasgow’s Clydeside. This majestic building will be transformed into a magical arts and performance space, where The Tin Forest story and ten brand new international youth theatre productions can be presented to an international audience during the Commonwealth Games period.

Before then, we’ll be collecting stories of Glasgow’s past, looking around the city as it is today, and challenging ourselves to reinvent the future. Over the next few months, The Tin Forest will be recruiting participants and collecting stories, dreams and wishes in four post-industrial communities in Glasgow: Springburn, the East End, Govan and Southwest Glasgow.

Through a series of drama, craft and design, music production, dance, storytelling, urban art and making workshops, we’ll create a series of indoor and outdoor events, culminating in a large scale event in your local area. We want to visit your workplace, your schools, your community centres, shopping centres, cafes, bars and homes, to bring our unique brand of collecting and telling to you…

A brochure with information about the project and events is available here.

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation supports The Tin Forest under its Participatory Performing Arts strand of work. Learn more about our work in this field here.

Image by The Tin Forest

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