Valuing the Ocean: Evaluation Report 2017-19

March 2020

Author: Richard Usher (Just Ideas)


Valuing the Ocean is a programme that is working towards the conservation and sustainable management of the ocean for the wellbeing of people now and in the future. It was set up by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK Branch) in 2013, with a focus on supporting collaboration across the marine conservation sector and communicating why the ocean matters. 

Just Ideas was commissioned as the evaluation and learning partner to Valuing the Ocean between May 2018 and December 2019. This report brings evidence and insights from Just Ideas’ work and reflects on the second phase of Valuing the Ocean, before looking ahead to the next phase.

It responds to four co-produced learning questions:

  1. How is Valuing the Ocean strengthening collaboration in the marine conservation sector?
  2. How is Valuing the Ocean contributing to better communication of the value of the ocean?
  3. Are new approaches to communication and collaboration helping to make the sector more effective in protecting the ocean?
  4. Is increased collaboration and better communication leading to a healthier ocean?


Access the report
Updated on 11 march 2022

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