Telling the Difference: Using Story to Change Systems

Telling the Difference: Using Story to Change Systems
Author: Ella Saltmarshe
(February, 2018)
This report by Ella Saltmarshe of The Comms Lab was published by the UK Branch of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. As part of our Valuing the Ocean strand we have been exploring new ways of communicating why the ocean matters in order to secure better management and protection. At the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation we believe understanding how stories shape the world is critical if we are to make real progress in the areas of social and environmental change.
Telling the Difference sets out the story ‘landscape’ – why and how stories are being used and who is using them – so we can more easily navigate the possibilities of story and make sense of the world in new ways, influencing culture, ideas and action for positive social and environmental change.
Read the full publication