Ocean Values Roundtable

A Social Science Perspective on the Value of the Marine Environment
July 2020
What values should be considered when making decisions about the marine environment? Often only a narrow range of values shapes decision-making. If a wider range of values were represented, perhaps better decisions would be made: decisions that are better understood and supported, more equitable, which ensure social as well as environmental justice, and ultimately lead to more sustainable management.
In 2019, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK Branch), the Marine Conservation Society, and the Marine Pioneer led by the Marine Management Organisation held an ocean values roundtable. It brought together a range of experts to explore the many ways in which people value the marine and coastal environment and identify ways to incorporate a broader range of values into decision-making processes.
This report discusses the key themes that were raised at the roundtable, which are further illuminated through case studies. The report goes on to explore the impact of the session on the Marine Pioneer thinking and from this, conclusions and recommendations are made.
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