Going On The Stage

A report to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation on professional training for drama
Chaired by Huw Wheldon and Lord John Vaizey
£2.00 + p&p, 96 pp
ISBN 978 0 903319 04 1
Order from the Foundation
By 1972 there was much concern at the haphazard way in which so many trained for and entered the acting profession. Responding to a request from the Chairman and Members of the Enquiry into Professional Training for Drama, in 1974 the Gulbenkian Foundation set up a national enquiry to investigate the problem.
The terms of the enquiry were to study the present provision in Britain for vocational education in drama, with particular reference to the training available for those who wish to become performing artists on stage, television and radio, including the related fields of direction, stage management and theatre technicians; to bear in mind the present disparity between the numbers of those trained and employment opportunities; and to make recommendations.
Going on the Stage provides a detailed account of the background to and findings and recommendations of the enquiry.