Generating Change

The 40 Year History of Community Links
In the 1960s and 1970s helping to establish the emerging sector of community development work was a key achievement of the UK Branch. Our work supporting Community Links was one of our first ventures in this realm.
This was why we supported the publication of Generating Change, written to celebrate Community Links’s 40th anniversary.
‘Connecting our neighbourhood action to the national policy framework was never simply desirable, but always an imperative. From the beginning, the declared intention of Community Links was to tackle causes not symptoms, find solutions not palliatives. Community Links asked the big question, what can be done not just to tackle the problems we see around us, but also prevent the problems arising in the first place? Our answers, including the concepts of Deep Value Relationships, and Early Action, are today influencing public service design, legislative change, and funding practice right across the country.’
Generating Change