A systems programme for leveraging change on marine issues

In this report, Forum for the Future maps the ‘system change dynamics’ for marine issues in Europe, testing the focus of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation UK Branch’s emerging strategy, and identifying key opportunities for change for its Valuing the Ocean programme.
This work builds on many previous studies and discussions led by the Foundation, notably the “Marine Ecosystem Service Valuation” reports from the Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy Research at Plymouth University, the Gulbenkian Ocean Initiative, the “Valuing the Oceans Framework Strategy”, the discussions from the Marine Funders Network, and the insights from the numerous interviews held between the Foundation and marine experts. Throughout the work we have been seeking to understand how the Foundation funding support could best bring additional value to the many marine activities happening across Europe, and how the Foundation could complement the work of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lisbon valuation project by developing a programme that would help expand and amplify their results.
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