The Campaign to End Loneliness’s key message, based on evidence, is that loneliness has a severe negative impact on health. The Campaign seeks to raise awareness of the issue and appropriate responses amongst both policy makers and practitioners.
In early 2017 the Campaign received significant investment from the Big Lottery Fund, enabling it to scale up its activities across the UK.
The Campaign’s last full independent evaluation describes it as having achieved significant change. It has for example:
- Inspired the Secretary of State for Health to support its goals
- Helped to change debate in the media about loneliness, reframing it as a health issue
- The Campaign’s Learning Network has shared best practice with over 900 organisations across the UK, transforming service delivery. 95% say they improved existing services or activities as a result
- Developed a strong network of practitioners and researchers working on loneliness
- Piloted a Loneliness Measurement Tool for organisations working with older people
- Over 80% of English local authorities have commissioned new services to tackle loneliness (most report using the Campaign’s resources to do so)
- 80% of English Health & Wellbeing Boards have made a commitment to tackle loneliness (73% say this is as a direct result of the Campaign’s influence)
- Produced publications such as Alone in the crowd: loneliness and diversity, in partnership with the Foundation, which helped shine a light on the individuals behind the statistics
The UK Branch of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation helped to found the Campaign, which is managed by a partnership of five organisations (Independent Age, the Royal Voluntary Service, Age UK Oxfordshire, Sense and Manchester City Council).
Further information on the work of the Campaign is available on its website: