Give the Gift of Sunshine this Christmas

Solar Schools launched over a year ago and have since raised almost £130,000, benefiting 32 schools signed up to the project. Their aim is to reach £412,400, and to do this they have come up with an ingenious Christmas gift that will put an end to your present-buying woes: selling virtual solar tiles!
In their words: ‘Socks, pants, globes and goats are all so 2011. The must have gift this year is small, square, shiny, and gets delivered, beautifully gift wrapped, just in time for Christmas without any pesky queues at the Post Office.”
Just £5 gets you your very own virtual solar tile. Simply add a picture, a message, choose a giftwrap, and they’ll deliver it to your chosen lucky friend on the date you specify.
Once schools have raised enough money, their virtual solar roofs become a reality, helping to cut carbon, boost school budgets, and teach children about energy and climate change. Your contribution will help put clean energy in classrooms all over the country.
The Solar Schools project is supported by the Calouste Gulbenakian Foundation as part of its work to identify and promote some effective strategies to help green the economy.