Interim Pavilion’s Garden – Planting Plan (shrubs and herbaceous floor)
In February 1958, Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles presented the Plan for the Provisional Installations Garden. Sobriety, seasonal variation, indoor/outdoor relation, land relief, preservation of existing tree species and rusticity of plant species used would translate into lower maintenance costs and were the themes referred to in his proposal.
- Production date: 1958
- Designers (main authors): TELLES, Gonçalo Pereira Ribeiro
- Project phase: A preparação do parque e as instalações provisórias
- Identifier: PT FCG FCG:SPO-S002-DES00052
- Temporal coverage: 1958
- Type of data: Image
- Extension format: 1 desenho
- Media format: jpg
- Materials: lawn
- Vegetation: Agapanthus africanus | African Blue Lily, Aurinia saxatilis | Basket of gold, Brugmansia arborea | Angel's Trumpet, Buddleja davidii | Butterfly Bush, Canna indica | Indian shot, Cerastium tomentosum | Snow-in-Summer, Cestrum aurantiacum | Golden Cestrum, Cestrum roseum | Rosy Cestrum, Cotoneaster sp. | Cotoneaster, Eleagnus angustifolia | Russian olive, Hebe andersonii | Anderson's hebe, Iris albicans | White Flag Iris, Iris germanica | Bearded Iris, Iris pseudacorus | Yellow Flag, Leonotis leonurus | Lion's Ear, Nerium oleander | Rose Bay, Osteospermum ecklonis | African Daisy, Pittosporum tobira | Japanese Pittosporum, Punica granatum | Pomegranate, Pyracantha angustifolia | Firethorn, Pyracantha coccinea | Scarlet Firethorn, Roldana petasitis | Velvet Groundsel, Salvia microphylla | Baby Sage, Spiraea cantoniensis | Reeves Spiraea, Viburnum tinus | Laurustinus, Vinca difformis | Periwinkle, Weigela floribunda | Crimson weigela
- Keywords: herbaceous, interim pavilion, living coating, shrub, technical design
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