Taking Children Seriously

A proposal for a Children’s Rights Commissioner (Fully revised edition)

Peter Newell

£5.99 + p&p, 112 pp
ISBN 978 0 903319 89 8
Buy from Central Books

This handbook describes in detail the proposal for an independent statutory institution to promote and protect the human rights of children – a Children’s Rights Commissioner. Since Taking Children Seriously was first published in 1991 the proposal has gained increasing support. Fully revised, this new edition sets out the case for and the functions of a Commissioner and considers the arguments for a separate institution for children or a Commissioner integrated within a human rights commission. It includes a draft Bill and details of similar offices established in other countries.

‘Children need a strong, independent, national office to represent their interests comprehensively.’ Sir William Utting

Peter Newell chairs the council of the Children’s Rights Alliance for England and is coordinator of EPOCH – End Physical Punishment of Children. He also works as a consultant for UNICEF on implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child and is Adviser to the European Network of Ombudspeople for Children.

Updated on 12 august 2016

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