Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) launches call for service pilots

Making Every Adult Matter logo
17 may 2010

Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) has launched a call for applications as part of its national service pilots, supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

The MEAM coalition is looking for three areas wishing to develop coordination style service interventions, overseen by a Board of statutory and voluntary partners, to work directly with individuals facing multiple needs and exclusions.

People facing multiple needs and exclusions experience a combination of issues that impact adversely on their lives – for example homelessness, substance misuse, mental ill health and offending. They are small in number and well known in local areas, yet their multiple needs mean that they are routinely excluded from effective contact with the services they need and they tend to lead chaotic lives that are costly to society as a result.

Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM), a coalition of four national membership organisations supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, is committed to policy and practice change for this marginalised group.

During 2009 MEAM focused on policy change and successfully launched a four point manifesto for government on tackling multiple needs and exclusions.

MEAM is now seeking to commence its practice-based work and bring the arguments of its manifesto to life in local areas through a set of three service pilots.

For full information and application form go to: MEAM Service Pilots

For information on the Gulbenkian Foundation’s Fulfilling Potential theme go to: 2010 Partnerships and Initiatives

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