Study on the outdoor amphitheatre – areas of vegetation
Study in the 1966 Revision Project part of a set of studies [i] prepared by the landscape architects and which precedes the proposal presented in December 1966.
[i] Study on the outdoor amphitheatre – Capacity of 400 seats
Study on the outdoor amphitheatre
Study for the outdoor amphitheatre
Amphitheatre – Study of Volumes
Study for outdoor amphitheatre – vegetation
Section of the area next to the Amphitheatre
Section of the area next to the Amphitheatre
Section of the area next to the Amphitheatre
- Production date: 1966
- Designers (main authors): TELLES, Gonçalo Pereira Ribeiro
- Project phase: Revisão de 1966
- Temporal coverage: 1966
- Type of data: Image
- Extension format: 1 desenho
- Media format: jpg
- Keywords: amphitheatre, clearing, edges, inert coating, island, lake, limit, living coating, modelling, sketch, system, topography, tree, tree cover, woods