Exhibition of Gulbenkian-supported work opens in Amsterdam next week

A photographer's journey to retrace the footsteps of a great botanist has become an internationally exhibited body of work.
05 dec 2016

Chrystel and Kath at work. Photos from the Natural History Museum.

As part of our Valuing Nature programme, the Foundation made a grant to the Natural History Museum towards an innovative art and science collaboration.  

The Salisbury collection of photographs – those taken by the botanist Edward Salisbury in his pre war travels –  had been left uncatalogued for decades. 

Our support allowed artist Chrystel Lebas and Natural History Museum biologist and botanist Kath Castillo to retread Salisbury’s path and examine how the landscapes had changed around 90 years later. 

Chrystel Lebas’s photographs of the journey to Scotland and Norfolk to capture the sometimes dramatic changes to the landscape in remote areas of Britain has been displayed at the National Galleries Scotland since October. 

And from 10 December it will be on display at the Huis Marseilles in the Netherlands. 

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