Catalonian Songs
Àngel Òdena / Miquel Ortega
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Grand Auditorium Calouste Gulbenkian FoundationPricing
50% – Under 30 years old
15% – Over 65 years old
- Àngel Òdena Baritone
- Miquel Ortega Piano
Enric Morera
Cançons de carrer – text by Josep Maria de Segarra
Eduard Toldrà
A l’ombra del lledoner – text by Tomàs Garcés
Federico Mompou
Gitano (from Impressiones íntimas), for piano
Combat del somni – text by Josep Janés
Miquel Ortega
Combat del somni – text by Josep Janés
Miquel Ortega
Porto la tarda recolzada al braç – text by Miquel Martí i Pol
Albert Guinovart
Els somnis – text by Josep Carner
The cultural golden era experienced in Catalonia in the second half of the 19th century during the Catalan Renaissance encouraged the use of the Catalan language throughout the arts. In music, this crystallised itself in the emergence of a rich, albeit little known, corpus of songs that created the basis for their consolidation in the following century. As part of the cycle dedicated to the vocal repertoire in different languages from the Iberian peninsula, this concert takes us on a tour through the last 150 years of Catalan songs, including the most recent compositions by two songwriters who still remain active.
Sponsor Gulbenkian Music
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