Who can apply?

Each call text specifies the detailed conditions for an applicant to be eligible. As a general rule, the following entities are eligible to be supported by the Fund:

Actions in support of Fact-Checking

Applicants shall be legal entities employing fact-checkers.


Multidisciplinary Investigations on Disinformation

Only proposals from groups of entities (partnerships or consortia) are eligible.


Research – Studies & Sandboxes

Only proposals from groups of entities (partnerships or consortia) are eligible.


Actions in support of Media Literacy

Only proposals from groups of entities (partnerships or consortia) are eligible.


Common eligibility rules (applicable to all types of projects)

  • State-controlled organisations other than universities, research centres, educational institutions and other non-profit organisations are not eligible to receive funding and therefore cannot apply individually or lead a consortium, but they may take part in the project at their own costs.
  • Consortia cannot be solely composed of entities affiliated to the Lead Applicant.
  • Natural persons may be part of a consortium, but the project cannot be coordinated by a natural person.
  • Only applications from entities established in the EU, EFTA or UK are eligible.


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