EMIF’s Management Committee approved last Friday a total allocation of € 393 625,83 for seven projects under the third funding round of "Boosting Fact-Checking Activities in Europe" Call for Proposals.

The projects will, in different ways, focus on debunking disinformation that targets the European Union, and on developing new formats for presenting fact-checks – podcasts, fact graphics, social media videos.

They will cover multiple countries and linguistic communities, including Bulgaria, Czechia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain, Slovenia and Ukraine.

Get to know a bit more in detail about the projects approved.

Name of the Project: “Desinfomiert” – Season 1: An information war
Lead Applicant: CORRECTIV – Investigative Journalism in the Public Interest

The first season of CORRECTIV’s German-language fact-checking podcast “Desinformiert” (working title, German: disinformed) will examine viral disinformation related to the Russian war in Ukraine. In each episode, CORRECTIV’s Faktencheck team looks at specific pieces of disinformation, makes transparent how they fact-checked those, explains the mechanism and effects behind them and addresses the larger narrative context.

Name of the Project: Building resilience of Ukrainian fact-checkers in the fight against disinformation about the EU
Lead Applicant: Madrid University Carlos III

Based on the analysis of the StopFake database, the project will improve the detection and understanding of disinformation narratives related to the war in Ukraine and the attempts of Russian disinformation to discredit Western partners of Ukraine and the European Union in particular.
This project is a set of research, educational activities and knowledge transfer aimed at strengthening the capacity of EU and Ukrainian fact-checking organizations, public authorities, EU policymakers, universities, and NGOs. This also includes developing outreach activities, such as joint events, professional consultations and an international conference.

Name of the Project: Made for social media: fighting disinformation with fact graphics
Lead Applicant: dpa-infocom GmbH limited liability company

This project unites fact-checkers from several countries in a multilingual joint production of fact graphics, a new visual format of fact-checks made for social media. We will use this collaborative tool in a cross-border project with a focus on disinformation circulating in the course of the war in Ukraine. The ten-month project brings together fact-checking partners from countries heavily affected by disinformation campaigns related to the Ukraine war. Part of the collaboration will also be a joint monitoring of circulating false claims and corresponding editorial planning.

Name of the Project: Fake News War – Fighting the fake news regarding the war in Ukraine
Lead Applicant: SOFT LTD.

The FAKE NEWS WAR’s purpose is to bring reliable news and information to target audiences, contribute to a trustworthy media environment in Europe through fact-checking pieces of news and information, raise awareness and educate people, therefore they will be able to evaluate and identify fake news. The plan is to continuously monitor social media and find the information that is likely to confuse, agitate, and spread fake claims. We will select the fake news by considering at least three parameters: how viral the claim is, the source and the nature of the claim.

Name of the Project: Exposing the Slovenian disinformation ecosystem
Lead Applicant: Oštro, Center for investigative journalism in the Adriatic region

The project »Exposing the Slovenian disinformation ecosystem« represents a first attempt in Slovenia to systematically research the funding of disinformation through advertising revenues. Oštro will investigate how much money is being pooled into these outlets from advertising, especially from state-owned advertisers. The team will use specialized tools to analyze the ads. Besides exposing the enablers of disinformation, Oštro will also train young journalists as Slovenia has seen a significant decline in professional standards.

Name of the Project: Media against Disinformation
Lead Applicant: European Media Ltd.

Media Against Disinformation is a project that wants to reach adult Polish citizens by creating a podcast in which we, together with experts, will show how disinformation affects the European Union. In addition to the podcast, we will also implement our trademark “Fake of the Week” format, where we debunk myths circulating in the Polish media space. The goal is not only to point out false information but also to actively encourage citizens to check information on their own. Therefore, as part of the project, we have planned an online seminar and a collection of free toolkit to make it easier for users to debunk fake news.

Name of the Project: LucidNews&Investigations
Lead Applicant: Belarusian Investigative Center z.s

BIC’s project provides facts about sanctions evasion schemes and contributes to a shift in sanctions enforcement policies globally, playing a key role in making policies against Belarus more targeted. The main objectives are to impose maximum additional costs on corruption and sanctions evasion in Belarus and Lithuania through investigative stories, to counter misinformation by debunking fake news, and to develop critical thinking among the general Belarusian and foreign audience. BIC will produce 6 anti-fake videos, amounting to 22 debunked pieces and 5 video episodes of investigations of grand corruption.


The fourth cut-off date of the ongoing Boosting Fact-Checking Activities in Europe call will be on 28 February 2023.

Updated on 23 february 2023

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