Workshop on external evaluation of projects
Following the training session for managers of projects supported under the Active Citizens Fund in Portugal, earlier this month, and addressing a request made by the participants, the Bissaya Barreto Foundation organises a new workshop dedicated to the independent evaluation of projects. This workshop is held on April 29, in Coimbra, and targets NGOs whose projects were approved for funding in the 2018 calls.
The independent evaluation should focus on qualitative changes resulting from the projects and has two main objectives: to evaluate the changes in the target groups caused by a project and to evaluate the changes in the organisations themselves. This independent evaluation should analyse the degree of implementation of the planned activities and the achievement of the contracted results, the success factors of the project that can be replicated in other initiatives and the aspects that should be improved in future interventions.
The workshop on April 29 is intended to help organisations promoting large projects to define the terms of reference for hiring the independent expert or entity that will carry out the evaluation of the projects.
To be noted that the external evaluation report for the projects within the Active Citizens Fund in Portugal shall be submitted together with the final report of each project, conditioning the final payment.