Day One: Keeping the Future in Mind
“The world is rapidly changing, and yet there is a sense of impasse among Armenians both in the republic and the diaspora. A more suistainable national approach is needed, in which strategies for positive change are developed and implemented. Such strategies must foster creativity and forward-looking aproaches or frameworks”
Throughout the week we aim to initiate a discussion around the following overarching question: How do we create new ways of being Armenian in the 21st Century?
Everyday we will release sections of the report and ask questions to faciliate the exchange of ideas.
Today we are releasing the contents page, preface and introduction:
Introduction: Keeping the Future in Mind
January 19
Today’s Questions:
Now that 2015 is over-what next?
What do you think are the main challenges Armenians face today?
Write to us on [email protected] and join the discussions online by following our social media partners.
Please use the official hashtag #Armenians2115