Adriana González


First Prize and Zarzuela Prize of the Operalia Competition 2019,acclaimed for her fine lyric voice and outstanding musicality, young performer Adriana González is one of the most promising singers of her generation. Born in Guatemala in 1991, González begun her studies with Barbara Bickford shortly after finishing high school in 2008. A year afters tudying with Bickford, González won the New Upcoming Artist Award presented by the Hemeroteca Nacional de Guatemala. She studied at the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala , graduating with a Music Teaching Degree & a Bachelor of Arts in 2012. In 2012 González is discovered by basque conductor Iñaki Encina Oyón during a tour with the World Youth Choir in Cyprus, subsequently inviting her to perform in Paris in 2013. Shortly after she is heard by Christian Schirm in an audition and is invited to became a member of the Atelier Lyrique de l’Opéra national de Paris , where she sung Zerlina(Don Giovanni) at Paris-Bobigny, Despina (Così fan tutte) atParis-Créteil. On completing the Atelier Lyrique programme, Adrianawon the 2017 Prix Lyrique du Cercle Carpeaux for her outstandingdevelopment. During her Paris years, González won several prizes in international competitions: Third Prize at the « Veronica Dunne International Singing Competition » in Ireland, First Prize at the « Otto EdelmannSinging Competition » in Vienna, the Oper Burg Gars Prize, SecondPrize and Public Choice Prize at the « Francisco Viñas InternationalSinging Contest » at the Liceu Barcelona, as well as the Prize of the Teatro Real in Madrid, the Associació d’Amics de l’Ópera Prize in Sabadell, the Internationale OpernWerkstatt Prize. From 2017-2018, she joined the Zurich Opera’s International OperaStudio , by invitation of coach and director Brenda Hurley , where she sung Erste Blumenmädchen (Parsifal) and Serpetta (La FintaGiardiniera). After successfully completing both the Paris and Zürich opera studio programmes, González is promptly engaged to sing Pamina (DieZauberflöte) at the Festival de Gars , Corinna (Il viaggio a Reims) at the Gran Teatro Liceu in Barcelona, Sapho and Iphise (Les fêtes d’Hébé) at the Opéra Bastille in Paris and at the Royal Academy of Music in London, Lia (Debussy‘s L’Enfant Prodigue), in concert at the Nancy Opera House , Micaela (Carmen) in Geneva , Giannetta (L’Elisir d’Amore) at the Opéra National de Paris and in Madrid , Liù (Turandot) in Toulon ,and Countess (Le Nozze di Figaro) in Nancy and in Frankfurt. Her first recording devoted to Robert Dussaut & Hélène Covattimelodies, with Iñaki Encina Oyón at the piano, released in the Spring2020 by Audax Records , is warmly welcomed by the critics and received the “ Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik ”, and was selected by Le Monde. As González and Encina continue to work on lied/mélodie, they focus on re-discovering unknown composers, which can be heard at the LIFE Victoria Festival in Barcelona, Opéra de Lille, Opéra de Dijon and Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid. Continuing to add roles to her repertoire, González consistently works with vocal technique teachers Michelle Wegwart & HedwigFassbender , along with conductor Iñaki Encina Oyón and coaches Alfredo Abbati & Margaret Singer. González’s forthcoming roles include: Mimi (La Bohème) in Barcelona and Toulon, Micaëla (Carmen) in Sanxay, la Contessa Almaviva inLuxembourg, Juliette (Roméo et Juliette) in Houston, Lauretta (GianniSchicchi) in Tokyo (posponed).

Updated on 26 may 2022

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