St. Matthew's Passion

Gulbenkian Orchestra and Choir

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  • Coro Infantil da Universidade de Lisboa
  • Conductor
  • Johanna Zimmer Soprano
  • Diana Haller Mezzo-soprano
  • Falco van Loon Tenor
  • Tenor
  • Florian Just Baritone
  • Hugo Oliveira Baritone

Johann Sebastian Bach

St. Matthew's Passion, BWV 244
Duration approximately: 90 min.

After conducting the magnificent St Matthew Passion at the Grand Auditorium in 2023, Slovenian Martina Batič returns to this oratorio by J.S. Bach, now as Principal Conductor of the Gulbenkian Choir. A masterpiece of spirituality and humanism, dealing with the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, the play is perfect for exposing Batič’s artistic stance, the fruit of an intense conviction that listening and caring for others are increasingly urgent in a world threatened by noise and a lack of empathy. An example of when music carries higher values in its notes.

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