Mozart’s Requiem

Gulbenkian Orchestra and Choir

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  • Conductor
  • Ana Vieira Leite Soprano
  • Carolina Figueiredo Mezzo-soprano
  • Carlos Pedro Santos Bass

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Exsultate, jubilate, K. 165
Requiem, in D minor, K. 626
Ave verum corpus, K. 618
Duration approximately: 90 min.

The story of Mozart’s Requiem reads like a fictional narrative. Having been commissioned to compose a Requiem in 1781 by a patron who wished to remain anonymous, Mozart set about the task while his health deteriorated. It was as if the composer was writing a mass to honour him after his death. He worked obsessively, convinced that a dark omen accompanied the composition and ended up dying before he could complete a work that would nevertheless survive in all its grandeur.

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