Ravel's Bolero
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Grand Auditorium Calouste Gulbenkian FoundationGulbenkian Orchestra
Pedro Neves Conductor
Raquel Camarinha Soprano
Renaud Capuçon Violin
Maurice Ravel
Violin Sonata
(arr. by Yan Maresz)
Benjamin Attahir
Je / suis / Ju / dith (for violin and soprano) *
Maurice Ravel
* Portuguese premiere. Commissioned by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse
In a concert enveloped by Maurice Ravel’s works, including the world-famous Boléro and Shéhérazade, debuts the piece Je / suis / Ju / dith, by the remarkable and rising composer Benjamin Attahir. Here Attahir’s exquisite music invention, building bridges between East and West, Past and Present, meets the brilliance of violinist Renaud Capuçon and soprano Raquel Camarinha, in an elegant exploration of the dialogue between voice and instrument.