Beethoven’s 9th Symphony

Gulbenkian Orchestra and Choir

Event Slider

  • Conductor
  • Ambur Braid Soprano
  • Jess Dandy Mezzo-soprano
  • Michael Weinius Tenor
  • Matthew Rose Bass

Sofia Gubaidulina

The Wrath of God
— Intermission 20 min. —

Ludwig van Beethoven

Symphony No. 9, in D minor, op. 125
Duration approximately: 90 min.

Dedicated to Beethoven, The Wrath of God is one of Russian composer Sofia Gubaidulina’s greatest creations. A piece of astonishing intensity that seems to make the senses shudder. Gubaidulina said in an interview that, as humanity is pushed to be levelled and homogenised, the task of an artist must be to counter this idea. The piece, premiered in 2020 on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth, is conducted at Gulbenkian Music by Hannu Lintu and is paired with the German composer’s emblematic Ninth Symphony.

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