Beyond the Mirror

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Beyond the Mirror, a title that deliberately alludes to the world of Alice Liddell, the heroine created by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), is a thematic exhibition, which takes the mirror as its main focus. The intention is to show the polysemic presence of this object in the iconography of European art, particularly within painting, but also in works in other mediums, such as sculpture, books, photography and film.

Curator: Maria Rosa Figueiredo in collaboration with Leonor Nazaré


About the exhibition


Additional activities  

Gallery talks

Artist’s reflections on the exhibition
Saturday, 27 January, 15:00 – Cecília Costa

Guided tours
Saturday, 13 and 20 January; 3 February, 15:00
Friday, 19 January; 2 February, 15:00


O que Pode um Espelho?
With Paulo Pires do Vale
Saturday, 3 fevereiro, 17:30
Main Building – Auditorium 3
Free admission

Film Series

Tuesday, 16, 23 and 30 January; 6 February, 18:30
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Know more


Guided tours for groups by previous booking only
In Portuguese or English
Booking: (+351) 217 823 800)
[email protected]

More information
[email protected]

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