Tribuna Feminista: Convocar compromissos, integrar direitos e assegurar o diálogo civil estruturado

Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres

Recognising that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated inequalities, discrimination and various forms of violence that disproportionately affect women and girls, and believing that the recovery that is being planned should be an opportunity and should be oriented towards the elimination of this discrimination, inequality and violence, the project aims to monitor and follow up public policies based on international conventions and instruments to which Portugal is a signatory, the project aims to monitor and follow up on public policies based on international conventions and other instruments to which Portugal is committed regarding the rights of women and girls, and to develop and deepen gender-responsive budgeting in the two main government plans currently being implemented (Portugal 2030 Strategic Plan and the Special Recovery and Resilience Plan).

To this end, it will, among other things, strengthen the articulation between political power bodies and women’s associations – promoting meetings with parliamentary groups and government officials -, prepare shadow reports on the implementation of international conventions in Portugal, and produce three policy papers with recommendations in the area of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Council of Europe Recommendation on Sexism and in the area of gender budgeting.

Partners: Kvinnefronten/Women’s front of Norway (Noruega)

Thematic Area: NGO watchdog role reinforced

Territorial Scope: National

Grant: 67 500,00€

Duration: 17 months

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