
  • AFUA – Capacitar para o Futuro

    The project aims to train the promoter in the areas of social marketing management, communication, and fundraising, for the consolidation of its organization and future sustainability.

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  • Agentes de Transformação 3C’s (Conhecimento, Consciencialização, Capacitação)

    The AGENTES DE TRANSFORMAÇÃO 3C’S project stems from a social diagnosis emerging from a social and community intervention project that identified the safeguarding of the rights of children and youngsters with imprisoned parents as a problem.

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  • Alimentação é Direito! Fortalecimento da implementação do Direito Humano à Alimentação e Nutrição

    This project aims to contribute to institutional, legal and political changes that allow the progressive realisation in Portugal of the Human Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition, through the consolidation of networking and participatory processes of civil society actors.

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  • ALLright(s) – Direitos para tod@s

    Raise awareness of the importance of defending and promoting Human Rights in 13 municipalities of the Coimbra District.

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  • Ambiental LAB – Laboratório Participativo para a Cidadania Ambiental

    This project aims to double the number of TREVO members, engage volunteers, promote internal and external relations, and to implement a training programme in Management, Fundraising and Communication.

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  • Apoio à implementação da estratégia de angariação de donativos individuais da ANP

    This project aims to improve the sustainability of ANP through the development of digital fundraising, the implementation of a F2F (Face to Face) fundraising campaign, and a communication and advertising campaign.

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  • Aprende, Conhece, Participa: uma abordagem local à educação para a cidadania ambiental

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  • Arquivo Coreográfico para todos

    The project aims to develop an organizational needs assessment through participatory methods, with the support and perspective from an external entity.

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  • ASCUDT Excellence

    The project aims to develop an organizational needs assessment through participatory methods, with the support and perspective from an external entity.

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  • Ativa-te

    Aimed at 250 young people under the age of 30, the "Ativa-te" project will involve two editions of a film festival focused on democracy and civic participation.

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  • Bota Sentido

    This project aims to promote the educational success and employability of 125 young people with a history of school failure, abandonment and/or absenteeism from the municipality of Angra do Heroísmo and in situations of social vulnerability.

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  • Cá fora à Espera

    To promote the social reintegration of young people subject to judicial education measures and to prevent recidivism through the use of psychodrama methodology.

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  • CALL – Communication and Advocacy Learning Lab

    For organizations committed to social change, as NGO, communication and advocacy often figure as strategic elements.

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  • Canto Moço – os Direitos Humanos na voz de José Afonso

    The project CANTO MOÇO – OS DIREITOS HUMANOS NA VOZ DE JOSÉ AFONSO aims to raise awareness and involve and empower young people for the defence of human rights, based on inspiration in the work of José Afonso.

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