Education for Citizenship Project: publication of final report

Coming to completion last August, the “Education for Citizenship” project now provides a final report: “Inside and Outside the Box: NGOs and Schools Together in Education for Citizenship – Paths and Inspirations”.
This publication presents and reflects on the conclusions reached by the “Education for Citizenship” pilot project.
It shares learnings, processes and methods meant to stimulate educational activities, instruments and recommendations. As a broader objective, it hopes to inspire and motivate the reinforcement of citizenship education practices in other schools and territories.
The project took place between March 2019 and August 2022 and involved a wide range of stakeholders, namely, three NGO/Schools partnerships that enacted citizenship education plans in three different territories between the 2019/20 and 2021/22 school years (Damaia, Gondifelos/Famalicão and Porto Santo).
An action research project aimed at promoting a systemic change in citizenship education, reinforcing civil society organisations’ role in public policies, and promoting a more tolerant and involved society.
As such, its specific objectives deserve mention:
Implemented by a consortium made up of Fundação Gonçalo da Silveira and Universidade Católica do Porto, in collaboration with the European Wergeland Center (Norway), the “Education for Citizenship” project has, since its inception, been monitored by the Ministry of Education.