2020 Calls: Demand exceeds three times the available grant
The Active Citizens Fund 2020 calls, which took place between September 1 and December 11 of this year, received a total of 177 applications for the development of projects in the four outcomes of the Programme, namely:
Outcome 1 – Strengthened democratic culture and civic awareness: 31 applications;
Outcome 2 – Increased support for Human Rights: 31 applications;
Outcome 3 – Empowerment of vulnerable groups: 69 applications;
Outcome 4 – Enhanced capacity and sustainability of NGO’s: 46 applications.
For the total of the submitted applications, support of 14,342 million euros was requested, representing 362% of the available budgetary allocation for the 2020 calls (3,960,000 €).
In terms of the territorial distribution of applications, it appears that 46.3% (82) of these are sponsored by an NGO based outside the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto.
About 56% (99) of the applications were submitted by small NGOs, with an annual expenditure value of fewer than 250,000€ per year.
Candidate projects can have a maximum duration of 30 months and a total cost of up to 120,000€ on Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 and up to 75,000€ on Outcome 4. Funding from the Active Citizens Fund can reach 90% of eligible costs.