David Webb


British tenor David Webb is a graduate of the Royal College of Music International Opera School.
A former Harewood Artist at the English National Opera, his roles for the company included Lysander A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Frederic The Pirates of Penzance, Young Sailor Tristan und Isolde and Messenger Aida and most recently as First Priest/First Armed Man The Magic Flute.

Elsewhere he has sung the roles of Liberto, Soldato II and Tribune in a new production of L’incoronazione di Poppea at the Salzburg Festival; Arsace in Cavalli’s Hipermestra and Brighella Ariadne auf Naxos for the Glyndebourne Festival and the roles of High Priest, Abner, Amalekite & Doeg in Barrie Kosky’s acclaimed production of Handel’s Saul for Glyndebourne on Tour.
His concert engagements include Bach’s Weihnachts-Oratorium (Royal Northern Sinfonia/Lars Vogt); Evangelist Matthäus-Passion (Les Violons du Roy/Bernard Labadie); Evangelist Johannes Passion (Musica Viva/Maxim Emelyanychev & Oslo Cathedral Choir/Vivianne Sydnes); Britten’s War Requiem (Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra/Bas Wiegers) and Canticle II, Abraham and Isaac, with David Daniels and Martin Katz (Wigmore Hall); Handel’s Messiah (Royal Northern Sinfonia/Martyn Brabbins & Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra/Ben Gernon) and Vaughan Williams’ On Wenlock Edge (BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra/Ben Gernon).

Updated on 09 november 2020

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