Transformer L’Homme
Xenakis Centenary
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Grand Auditorium Calouste Gulbenkian FoundationThis concert has no intermission.
Gulbenkian Choir
Tomás Moital Original Concept / Percussion / Reciter
Pierre Carré Computer Music / Lights Designer
Francisco Cipriano Percussion
Pedro Tavares Percussion
Noeli Kikuchi Reciter
Cire Ndiaye Reciter
Mavá José Reciter
Inês Tavares Lopes Conductor of the Gulbenkian Choir
Iannis Xenakis
Rebonds (A-B)
Voyage absolu des Unari vers Andromède
Pour la Paix II
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation reserves the right to collect and keep records of images, sounds and voice for the diffusion and preservation of the memory of its cultural and artistic activity. For further information, please contact us at [email protected] .
Iannis Xenakis’s intense creative experimentation is at its most astounding in his work Pour la Paix. Created in response to a commission from Radio France, the composition was one of the few occasions when he used a mixed electroacoustic approach. Inspired by two books by Françoise Xenakis (the composer’s wife) and conceived for four narrators, choir and computerised composition tools (UPIC), it can be presented in four different versions. The most complete version will be performed at Gulbenkian Música, alongside four other pieces by Xenakis, according to an idea outlined by the percussionist Tomás Moital.
Hearing Guide
By Benoît Gibson