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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

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  • Friday, 20:00


Grand Auditorium Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Gulbenkian Orchestra and Choir

After last season’s great success, the showing of the film The Fellowship of the Ring in the Grand Auditorium, with the music of Howard Shore performed live by the Gulbenkian Orchestra and Choir, the public can relive this unforgettable high definition experience on the big screen in an even more engaging way, with the unusual presence of more than 200 musicians on stage. Definitely a unique moment not to be missed.


Gulbenkian Orchestra and Choir
University of Lisbon’s Children and Youth Choir
Ludwig Wicki Conductor
Grace Davidson Soprano

Howard Shore
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Peter Jackson’s film screening with live music


Concerts on the 6th and 6th January are included in the Evening/Night Gulbenkian Orchestra Subscriptions, respectively.


Gulbenkian Choir Sponsor

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