Pelléas and Mélisande

Gulbenkian Orchestra

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  • Conductor

Alexander von Zemlinsky

The Mermaid
— Intermission 20 min. —

Arnold Schönberg

Pelleas und Melisande, op. 5
Duration approximately: 90 min.

Although Schoenberg expressed his debt to Mahler’s music, it would be Zemlinsky who brought the two together and, in fact, the composer that Schoenberg considered his true master. After a first meeting, when Schoenberg was taking his first steps in composition, Zemlinsky took him under his wing and the friendship developed into a fruitful artistic bond. In this programme, conducted by Lorenzo Viotti, we’ll hear the play Zemlinsky wrote based on The Little Mermaid and the symphonic poem Schoenberg imagined based on the play Pelléas and Mélisande.

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