Patricia Petibon

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Maurice Ravel
Alborada del gracioso

Enrique Granados
Tonadillas: La maja dolorosa II (“¡Ay majo de mi vida”)
Tonadillas: El mirar de la maja

Joaquín Turina
Poema en forma de canciones: Cantares, op. 19 n.º 3

Manuel de Falla
El amor brujo: Danza ritual del fuego
La vida breve: “¡Vivan los que ríen!”
La vida breve: Danza española n.º 1

Nicolas Bacri
Melodías de la melancolía: A la mar, op. 119 n.º 1

Amadeo Vives
Doña Francisquita: Fandango

Gerónimo Giménez
La tempranica: “La tarántula é un bicho mú malo” (Zapateado)

Federico Moreno Torroba
La marchenera: Petenera

Emmanuel Chabrier
Gwendoline: Abertura

Marie-Joseph Canteloube
Chants d’Auvergne II: La delaïssádo
Chants d’Auvergne III: Malurous qu’o uno fenno

Jules Massenet
Thaïs: Méditation
Manon: “Adieu, notre petite table”
Manon: “Obéissons quand leur voix appelle” (Gavotte)

Leonard Bernstein
Candide: Abertura
Candide: “Glitter and be gay”


Spanish culture has intrigued and fascinated the French soprano Patricia Petibon since she was a child. She senses a strong popular expression in Spanish artistic creation, and in her first recitals she included repertoire by Spanish and also Latin American composers. This was the basis for her album Melancolía, here partially revisited by a singer known for the intensity with which she approaches her interpretations. «On stage,» Petibon believes, «charisma is indispensable».

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