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Lobgesang de Mendelssohn

Gulbenkian Choir and Orchestra

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  • Conductor
  • Soprano
  • Soprano
  • Tenor

Ludwig van Beethoven

Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt, op. 112

Felix Mendelssohn

Lobgesang, op. 52 

After meeting Goethe in 1812, Beethoven was inspired by the writer’s literary work, for which he had a deep admiration, and based himself on it to create the majestic cantata for chorus and orchestra Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt. Mendelssohn also met Goethe very early on in his career – he also put some of his poems to music – and the writer declared that he was witnessing a prodigy comparable to Mozart. Mendelssohn’s creation would similarly be very permeable to his relationship with poetry, Symphony No. 2, Lobgesang, being one of the most notable examples.

Duration: 85 minutes without intermission

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