Kirill Gerstein

Event Slider

  • Piano

Robert Schumann

Blumenstück, op. 19

Thomas Adès

Az ág

Robert Schumann

Carnaval, op. 9
— Intermission 20 min. —

György Kurtág

Virág az ember… (from Játékok Vol. 1)

Thomas Adès


Sergei Rachmaninoff

Lilacs, op. 21 No. 5

Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovsky

Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker

Francisco Coll

Waltzes Toward Civilisation (work inspired in Poeta en Nueva York by F. G. Lorca)

Maurice Ravel

La Valse
Duration approximately: 60 min.

For several decades, Kirill Gerstein has been developing a close artistic partnership with one of the greatest living composers, the British Thomas Adès. Among their many collaborations, they recorded the album In Seven Days together, with music by Adès, and the composer wrote his Piano Concerto expressly for Gerstein. In this much-anticipated recital, Gerstein will play two pieces by Adès, Az ág and Thrift, in a programme that highlights the pianist’s great versatility, including pieces by Schumann, Kurtág, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Francisco Coll and Ravel.

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