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Espvall Rocha Lobo

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Helena Espvall Cello, Electronics
Maria da Rocha Violin, Electronics
Norberto Lobo Electric guitar, Electronics

One of the great attractions of improvised music is that simply listing the musicians involved offers little more than a few loose clues as to what they will create together. In the case of this encounter between Norberto Lobo’s magnetic guitar, Helena Espvall’s wide-ranging cello (from folk to avant-garde jazz), and Maria da Rocha’s violin that walks the tangent between classical and experimental music, in their second public performance, what we can only guess is the attraction that the three share for melody and its reverse (in the ease of undoing and constructing worlds within the space of a few short seconds). A journey that is as unpredictable as it is exciting, or these three musicians wouldn’t be capable of constant, miraculous surprise.

Approximate duration: 60 min.

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