Éperdument… Persian Love Songs - Alireza Ghorbani

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SAMAN SAMIMI (kamancha)
HUSSEIN ZAHAWY (daf, bendir, darbouka, udu)

Canções de amor persas


Alireza Ghorbani, the greatest figure in Iranian music, discovered the Persian tradition of singing as a teenager, when he heard Gholam-Hossein Banan on the radio. He was enraptured by that voice, and felt that it carried “something deep and spiritual”. “I believe that if, as a child, you’re not literally enraptured, you can never become a good musician. We have to feel possessed by music”. In Éperdument, his latest recording, Ghorbani sings the great classical Persian poets as well as contemporary authors, on a journey that evokes Gulistan, the “Rose Garden”, a fundamental work of Persian literature.

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