Bruckner's 7th Symphony

Gulbenkian Orchestra

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  • Conductor

Richard Wagner

Tristan and Isolde: Prelude and Liebestod
— Intermission 20 min —

Anton Bruckner

Symphony No. 7, in E major

Anton Bruckner didn’t start composing regularly until he was 37, at a time when, having discovered the music of Richard Wagner, he embarked on an in-depth study of the German composer’s work. The two would meet shortly afterwards, in 1865, at the premiere of Tristan and Isolde and Wagner was a crucial motivator for Bruckner to invest in his orchestral writing. This artistic debt would be fully realised in Symphony No. 7, conducted here by Lorenzo Viotti, a beautiful and heartfelt homage to Wagner completed after Bruckner attended Parsifal in Bayreuth, in the final meeting between the two composers.

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