Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3

Gulbenkian Orchestra

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  • Conductor
  • Piano

Ludwig van Beethoven

Piano Concerto No. 3, in C minor, op. 37
— Intermission 20 min. —

Zoltán Kodály

Dances of Galanta

Béla Bartók

Suite from The Miraculous Mandarin
Duration approximately: 90 min.

For BBC Music Magazine, Javier Perianes “approaches Beethoven with a novelty and individuality that are immediately captivating”. The Spanish pianist, known for the unrivalled elegance he brings to his performances, has dedicated himself in recent years to presenting Beethoven’s Piano Concertos to unanimous acclaim. To Gulbenkian Music he brings Concerto No. 3, a work in which Perianes, as he has been described, seems to make the piano sing and shine. Under the direction of conductor Nuno Coelho, the Gulbenkian Orchestra will also perform Kodály’s Dances of Galanta and Bartók’s suite from The Marvellous Mandarin.

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