António Viana Barreto and his legacy for the Landscape in Portugal

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This conference brings together scholars of his work and former colleagues, who will present the key aspects of his oeuvre as a landscape architect.

His legacy left a mark on the profession in terms of landscape architecture and landscape planning projects, as well as influencing Territorial Planning policies in Portugal.

This initiative marks the closing of the exhibition António Viana Barreto. Landscape Maestro, which opened on the day of the centenary of his birth and displayed some of his most emblematic works and a series of studies.


18:00 / Opening

João Vieira – Director of the Art Library and Archives, Calouste Gulbenkian FoundationJoão Ceregeiro – President of APAP

One For All, All For One

Teresa Andresen

Territorial Planning and Protected Areas in Portugal

Fernando Pessoa

Viana Barreto’s Estate

Teresa Bettencourt da Câmara

Belém Tower

Sebastião Carmo Pereira

The Invisibility of the Visible: António Viana Barreto in the Gulbenkian Garden

Aurora Carapinha

19:50 / Closing

Maria da Conceição Freire e Maria Antónia Castro e Almeida - Exhibition Stewards


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