Superstar Pharaohs

Coordenação editorial
Carla Paulino
Apoio produção
Maria do Rosário Azevedo
Design gráfico
Panorama Design Studio
Catarina Gomes Ferreira
Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, 2022
Itinerância Lisboa. Existe versão em português. Contém lista de obras expostas, lista de faraós apresentados e biografia dos curadores e autores.
Biblioteca de Arte Gulbenkian, Lisboa / AHP 11811; Arquivo Digital Gulbenkian, Lisboa / ID: 465117
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Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins, «Meeting the Pharaohs», pp. 6-8
António Filipe Pimentel, «On the Name of Things», pp. 10-12
Frédéric Mougenot, «Remembering the Pharaohs», pp. 16-24
Fayza Haikal, «The Egyptians and the Pharaohs Today», pp. 28-43
Bernard Mathieu, «To what Extent were the Egyptians Aware of Their Own History?», pp. 44-54
Michel Chauveau, «From Scribes to Greek Historians: The Pharaohs as Figures in Literature», pp. 56-69
Simon Connor, «Acting on Images – Images that Act», pp. 70-91
Jean-Marcel Humbert, «Pharaonic Icons and Egyptomania», pp. 92-107
João Carvalho Dias, «Beyond Tutankhamun: Howard Carter and the Making of the Gulbenkian Collection of Egyptian Antiquities», pp. 108-131
Guillemette Andreu-Lanoë, Frédéric Mougenot, «1. Three Thousand Years of History and a Few Memorable Reigns», pp. 134-147
Frédéric Mougenot, «Monuments on the Horizon», pp. 148-157
Vincent Rondot, «From Amenemhat to Moeris», pp. 158-163
Guillemette Andreu-Lanoë, «The Founders of the New Kingdom», pp. 164-173
Guillemette Andreu-Lanoë, «Ramesses the Great», pp. 174-181
Guillemette Andreu-Lanoë, Frédéric Mougenot, «2. What Remains of the Pharaohs? History and Legends», pp. 182-193
Annie Forgeau, «Nectanebo, Supreme Seducer and Father of Alexander the Great», pp. 194-201
Frédéric Mougenot, «Cleopatra, Femme Fatale or Wise Queen», pp. 202-211
Guillemette Andreu-Lanoë, «Senwosret/Sesostris, Model Pharaohs», pp. 212-219
Frédéric Mougenot, «Pharaoh in the Bible, Firaun in the Qur'an», pp. 220-227
Guillemette Andreu-Lanoë, Frédéric Mougenot, «3. Return of the Pharaohs», pp. 228-237
Guillemette Andreu-Lanoë, «Copies and Fakes: The Price of Fame», pp. 238-245
Guillemette Andreu-Lanoë, «Tutankhamun's Amazing Destiny», pp. 246-257
Frédéric Mougenot, «The Pharaohs Working for National Industry», pp. 256-261
Frédéric Mougenot, «Black Pharaohs, Black Icons», pp. 262-267
Frédéric Mougenot, «Nefertiti, Queen of Contemporary Art», pp. 268-274


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